
Raine London was created by me Lorraine. I love getting glammed up; from how I wear my hair, apply my makeup, to how I style my outfits, they are all a huge part of who I am. I have always been creative and putting an outfit together is so much fun for me and so is finding those perfect pieces of jewellery to compliment it. I love how a single statement item of jewellery can dramatically change a look and how layered or stacked pieces give it that extra edge and playfulness.

I am truly inspired by women and men; some famous icons, friends and of course people who I have passed in the street. What all of them have in common is how they style jewellery to create their own unique look to express their individuality. All of them have made an impact on me and influenced my inner passion to create a collection of stunning jewellery for all women who love a bit of glamour and styling as much as me.

I admire people who push boundaries, so in 2018 I decided I wanted to push mine and make my dream a reality. Therefore with an inner passion and drive, I set about travelling to far flung places in search of beautiful jewellery and ideas.

Raine London was created on the foundations that my collection would offer affordable stylish jewellery that would stand the test of time and grow with the individual wearing it, whether the pieces are worn stacked, layered or for a simple classic look, each style would be admired. It is so important to me that I share and showcase my customers which is why I created and incorporated INSPIRING STYLISH WOMEN and #WeAreRaine to allow you all to be part of a community of women that all have the love for jewellery and style in common so please all keep tagging.

Finally I am pleased to announce our partnership with Ecologi, to read more about how you too can be part of this little legacy have a look at the bottom of the home page, I am positive you will love it as much as we do.


Raine x